Dyer’s Oleander

Binomial Wrightia tinctoria (Roxb.) R. Br.
Family Apocynaceae
Tamil Name Ved Paalai (வெட்பாலை)
Tree Deciduous tree
Bark Smooth, scaly, grey, producing milky-white latex.
Flowers White, fragrant, in terminal corymb like cymes, appear like snow flakes from a distance.
Fruits A pair of follicles, long, cylindrical, blackish-green, joined at their tip, pendulous. Seeds are flat, brown with a tuft of silky white hairs.
Flowering Period April to June
Pollinators Insects
Country of origin India and Burma
About the tre The flowers, leaves, fruits and seeds are edible. Though various parts of this tree find a place in traditional medicine, there is lack of sufficient scientific evidence proving its effectiveness in treating any disease. As the name suggests, several parts of W. tinctoria are sources of an indigo- like dye. The world famous Channapatna Toys are carved extensively using the wood of Wrightia tinctoria. The carved items are said to resemble ivory in appearance.
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