
Binomial Tamarindus indica L.
Family Fabaceae
Tamil Name Puzhiya Maram (புளிய மரம்)
Tree Large tree with a spreading crown.
Bark Dark grey, rough with shallow fissures.
Flowers Small, Pale Yellow with prominent red-coloured veins.
Fruits Pods bulging over the seeds and constricted, slightly curved.
Flowering Period July to September
Fruiting period January to April
Pollinators Bees
Country of origin Tropical Africa
About the tree India is the largest producer of tamarind. Throughout Southeast Asia, the fruit of the tamarind is used as a poultice to reduce fevers. It is used in several cuisines to impart a sour flavour. Mixed with water, the pulp makes a pleasant lemonade-like drink. The leaves yield a red dye. Tamarind seed oil can be extracted from the seeds. Most parts of this tree are considered medicinal, used against throat infection, inflammation of joints etc. The pulp can also be used as a metal polish.
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