Maple-Leaved Bayur

Binomial Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd.
Family Malvaceae
Tamil name வெண்ணங்கு (Vennangu)
Habit Medium sized tree
Bark Smooth, ash-coloured, ferruginous (contains iron oxides)
Flowers Creamy-white fragrant, nocturnal, finger shaped
Fruits Capsule, angled, furfuraceous (covered with scales), woody, brown, may take even a year to mature.
Flowering period March to June
Pollinators Moths
Native to India In the Ayurvedic system of medicine, the plant is used to treat blood disorders. The plant is also believed to be used to treat inflammation, abdominal pain, ulcer, leprosy, constipation and tumours. The mature leaves are so large reaching a length and width of 35 cm. The leaves are used as dinner plates. Hence, the tree is nicknamed as the ‘Dinner Plate Tree’. The leaves are also used in reinforcing roofs to prevent leaks. The flowers are used as a perfume to repel insects. The barks are used in the tropical preparation of lipsticks. Though the wood is soft, it is highly durable and is used for planking. In Manipur and Bhurma, the tree is often extensively used in landscaping. In Greek, the term Pterosperma means winged seeds and acerifolium refers to the leaves shaped like maples.