
Binomial Premna latifolia Roxb.
Family Lamiaceae
Tamil Name Erumai Munnai (எருமை முன்னை)
Tree Small tree with a spreading crown.
Flowers Flowers bisexual, numerous, fragrant, creamish white, in axillary or terminal compound corymb.
Fruits Drupes, obovoid, shining, glabrous, green when young, black when ripe.
Flowering Period March to June
Pollinators Insects
Country of origin India
About the tree This tree is extensively used in Indian traditional medicine. The roots are known to have anti-inflammatory properties and can also function as an expectorant and laxative. The results of certain studies suggest that the plant extract have significant antibacterial and anti-diabetic efficacy. A steam bath made from the leaves and young stems is used as a treatment for fevers. The leaves and roots of Premna corymbosa are used to perfume coconut oil.
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