Spanish Cherry

Binomial Mimusops elengi L.
Family Sapotaceae
Tamil Name Mahizham poo (மகிழம் பூ)
Tree Medium sized, evergreen.
Bark Nut brown or greyish, deeply fissured and cracked.
Flowers White, fragrant with numerous narrow petals tipped brown.
Fruits An olive-shaped berry, green at first turning red-orange when ripe. Pulp is edible.
Flowering Period July-April
Pollinators Insects
Country of origin Indian Sub-continent
About the tree The fruit can be eaten raw or in other forms. An oil is obtained from the seed whose nutritional quality is considered to be comparable with that of groundnut oil. Various parts of this tree are often used to treat dental ailments such as bleeding gums and dental caries. With the ability to retain their fragrance for a long time after being dried, the flowers can be used as a filling for pillows, in scented sachets etc. Essential oils used in perfumery can be distilled from the flowers. A good-quality veneer and plywood can be manufactured from the wood. These trees are said to be the harbinger of spring in India as they bloom during the months of May and June.
Location on campus