Wood Apple

Binomial Limonia acidissima L.
Family Rutaceae
Tamil Name விளாம்பழம் (Vilampazam)
Habit Slow growing thorny deciduous tree
Bark Blackish, deeply fissured
Flowers Fragrant, cream, in axillary or terminal racemes
Fruits Berries globose, woody
Flowering Period May – July
Pollinators Bee, Insect
Native to India and Srilanka The fruit has a hard, woody pericarp with numerous seeds embedded in a sweet, aromatic pulp. Fruit pulp made into juice. Acidic pulp mixed with jaggery and ghee is tasty and ceremonially eaten during the Ganesha festival. Fruit is much used in India as a liver and cardiac tonic and when unripe, as a means of halting diarrhea and dysentery and for effective treatment for high cough, sore throat and disease of the gums.
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