Blue Jacaranda

Binomial Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don
Family Bignoniaceae
Tamil Name வெடங்குறுணி (Vetankuruni)
Habit Evergreen tree
Bark Thin and greyish – brown, smooth when young and form fine scales
Flowers Tubular, Lavender blue, arranged in terminal panicles
Fruits Round, flat, reddish brown, woody capsule
Flowering Period July – September
Pollinators Bees
Native to South America The name Jacaranda comes from a South American language Guarani and it means ‘fragrant’. Jacaranda has been widely cultivated for its attractive, fragrant and long-lasting violet- coloured flowers. The city of Pretoria in South Africa, because of its mass plantation is known as ‘The Jakranda City’. It is believed that if a jacaranda flower drops on the head of someone then it means good fortune. The tree represents wisdom, rebirth, wealth and good luck.The wood of this tree is pale grey to whitish, straight-grained, relatively soft and knot-free. Jacaranda species have also been used traditionally to treat venereal infections, gastrointestinal disorders, leishmaniasis, colds and rheumatism. The bark and roots are used in the treatment of syphilis. The leaves are used as a vulnerary. The timber is yellowish- white, hard, and moderately heavy, fine textured, easy to work, and is used for carpentry. Wood is light brown and soft. It is used for poles and for making small items such as tool handles and carvings.
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