Tree of Life/Rough bark Lignumvitae

Binomial Guaiacum officinale L.
Family Zygophyllacaeae
Tree Small, evergreen, slow growing with a dense crown and crooked bole. The leaves are compound, broadly oval and rounded at tip.
Bark Variegated with patches of grey and pale brown.
Flowers Purple-blue
Fruits Heart shaped, yellow-orange with red flesh, compressed baring black seeds.
Country of origin Caribbean and northern coast of South America.
About the tree Designated as ‘Endangered’ by the IUCN Red Data List, it is the national flower of Jamaica. The resin from the tree is used for flavouring cakes and chewing gum. It shows anti-rheumatoid and antioxidant properties. The resin is also used for treatment of skin diseases, tooth ache etc. The wood is hard, close grained, tough, dense and durable.
Location on campus