Banyan Tree

Binomial Ficus benghalensis L.
Family Moraceae
Tamil Name ஆலமரம் (Aalamaram)
Habit Large, evergreen lactiferous tree with wide spreading branches and downwardly growing aerial roots.
Bark Fluted bark and is smooth, softly puberulous when young
Flowers unisexual, yellow coloured, monoecious, sessile, axillary, hypanthodium
Fruits Syconus Red to pink, globose
Flowering Period March– April
Pollinators Wasp
Native to Asia Banyan is the national tree of India due to its iconic aspect, longevity and cultural importance in Indian villages. Its bark and leaves both possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties considered useful in burning sensation, ulcers, and painful skin diseases. It can also be used in inflammation and toothache. It can cure chronic diarrhoea, dysentery and piles. It eases leucorrhoea too. It treats gum and teeth disorders and lowers back and rheumatic pain.
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