Elephant Apple

Binomial Dillenia indica L.
Family Dilleniaceae
Tamil Name உகக்காய் (Ugakkaai)
Habit Medium-sized evergreen tree
Bark Reddish brown, smooth
Flowers Five lobed, white to yellow, arranged in terminal racemes
Fruits Pseudocarps are reddish brown, indehiscent enclosed by enlarged thick sepals
Flowering Period June – August
Pollinators Insects
Native to South-eastern Asia The aromatic, acid, juicy fruit is usually used in curries, preserves, and drinks or fermented into vinegar. The fruit is tonic and laxative. It is used in the treatment of abdominal disorders, and is mixed with sugar, to be used against coughs. The paste of the bark is applied over the area of the skin affected with rabies and pigmentation of the skin.
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